How to become the best YOU through the proccess of awakening! 



"The intention of my new course, is that, as individuals, we begin to consciously choose our own way we experience life. Through The Law of Self Mastery you begin your own process of awakening in discovering who you are at your core!"


                                                      -Spencer Watson                             











When you think about the future … how do you feel?

Worried? Fearful? Depressed? Even hopeless?

Or are you bursting with confidence, optimism and excitement?

It’s an important question to answer, because…

How you feel today determines what you’ll experience in the future.

But don’t worry. If you feel anxious or negative in any way, you aren’t doomed to a gloomy future.

You can deliberately choose the better, brighter future you want to experience by consciously choosing how you feel, think, act and vibrate today.




I want to share my personal proccess that I have used to help myself and thousands of others on their journey of self mastery! I have broken these ancient wisdoms into 12 simple steps that will, when applied, accelerate you becoming the best you without having to wait a lifetime through the utilization of mutliple group BodyTalk sessions to achor your progress and support your self mastery. In this way you will achieve your goals with millennial speed guaranteed! 




You do a lot of things on default. (Think about the way you brush your teeth, which shoe you put on first, the route you take to work, and even how you hold a pen.)

Our brains are designed to use "default mode" to free up our conscious attention to focus on more important tasks.

But a heads up...

If you're not careful, your default setting could sabotage your success!

You see ... your default setting is what's comfortable - what's become a habit. And for a lot of people...

The default setting when thinking about the future is fear, anxiety and worry.

But when you vibrate fear, anxiety and worry out to the universe, what happens?

You experence scary, stressful, unpleasant situations you're requesting with your vibration.

If you want to achieve a brighter, more awesome future, you need to overcome your default mode and consciously choose to send out vibrations that match the dreams you want to manifest in your life.




Registration is now open! 


The six-week experience of this LIVE video online course provides a new speed for getting in touch and removing the deep-seated, limiting beliefs we unconsciously adopt in childhood that hold us back. The online prerecorded introduction will be released on February 14th. The LIVE 90 minute video class sessions will run from Febuary 21 to March 31. We will meet online every Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM MST and Saturday morning at 10:00 AM MST. The class recording will be available for those who are not able to join live as well as for review throughout the week. We will be in constant contact through the new membership site to maximize your accceleration! At each LIVE class session we will do a group BodyTalk Session, a walk-through mediation, then explore the proccess of awakening and do a live Q&A. 



The 12 modules are as follows:


  1. Introduction 
  2. Meeting Yourself 
  3. Hope
  4. The Wisdom Within
  5. Self Realization 
  6. Become the Observer 
  7. Breaking Habits
  8. Stepping Forward
  9. Being Present & Accountability 
  10. Restitution & Reconciliation 
  11. Intuition- Getting into the Zone 
  12. Consciously Creating 


Skip even one of these ancient wisdoms, and manafesting your dreams will become harder- if not seem dauntingly impossible. Through this proccess of awakening YOU will discover and master how to use the Law of Self Mastery to consciously choose and create the future you want to experence and step into the reality as it already exists! 


This is my first course and will be the only time it will be offered for a discount! Space is limited. Once you have signed up below you will be emailed instructions on how to access the prerecorded introduction starting on Febuary 14th to prepare you for our live class sessions! 

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    How to become the best you without having to wait a..
    Instructor: Spencer Watson
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